“Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency.”
— Daniel Burnham

Thomasville: Blueprint 2028 is the comprehensive plan for the City and will set the tone for our community's growth and development for the next twenty to thirty years. It will be composed of a series of public workshops, presentations, and meetings to shape the vision of the future of the Thomasville. Public engagement and input are critical pieces to ensuring that the final comprehensive plan reflects the ideas, concerns, and hopes of Thomasville's citizens. The results of these public meetings and presentations will be captured in a document that, once adopted by the City Council, will provide the basis for decision making, projects, and planning moving forward as Thomasville continues to move into the future.


We want to hear from you throughout the entire Comprehensive Plan process. Come to meetings, join us for the Visionary Session, and let us know your thoughts. Your feedback and ideas will be instrumental in establishing the goals for the Plan, and how Thomasville will move toward those goals!